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Who we are
Agropolis International is a non-profit association that brings together, within the Occitanie region in France, research and higher education organisations, local authorities, professional and civil society organisations, all of which develop activities in the fields of agriculture, food, biodiversity and the environment. These are areas in which the scientific community in Occitanie is recognised for its excellence and expertise of regional, Mediterranean and tropical issues. The association aims to enhance these assets for the region, through three ambitions: It thus develops actions and services to support the collective initiatives of its members; to mobilise regional expertise within partnership projects; to create opportunities for science-society interactions; to facilitate the hosting and organisation of events; to design and produce editorial products. Do not hesitate to contact our team if your are interested in our activities. In addition to the membership fees, the association is financially supported by the Occitanie Region and Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole; by CIRAD, INRAE and IRD; and benefits from occasional grants from the State or Europe.